I love sleep. I love napping. If I could, I'd nap everyday! Given how intense & messed up some of my dreams are, you'd think I'd avoid sleep but no, it's one of my favorite things, like raindrops on roses.
Friday night, I couldn't fall asleep. I had what I like to call "the jimmy legs" - I was very tired but my legs were so jumpy, I couldn't settle down. Usually it takes me around 30 minutes to fall asleep but that night I got up & went to the living room to read for a few hours. I finally went back to bed exhausted around 3AM & fell asleep. I think the root cause was the glass & a half of wine I had with dinner hours earlier, that was the only real change in my usual routine. Even after dinner, I made sure to drink a lot of water to combat the alcohol effect but that is what I think did it. Which is odd, as usually alcohol makes people pass out - not fall asleep but literally lose consciousness which is why it's not exactly a doctor recommended sleep aid.
Insomnia thankfully is not a huge issue for me, but I know it is for a lot of people & I'm curious for tips of combating it. Do you have problems falling asleep? How do you handle it? I've heard that if you don't fall asleep after an hour, you should just get up & go do something else.
On a totally different topic, I had my bridal shower yesterday & it was a wonderful event if I do say so myself! It was great to spend time with family & friends that I don't see very often. Thank you to my bridesmaids for all their hard work (especially Karen!), to everyone who made it & to those who couldn't, you were missed.
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